Do you agree with the following statements?

1. I am unable to do the things I used to do. Yes No
2. I feel hopeless about the future. Yes No
3. I can’t make decisions. Yes No
4. I feel sluggish or restless. Yes No
5. I am gaining or losing weight. Yes No
6. I get tired for no reason. Yes No
7. I am sleeping too much or too little. Yes No
8. I feel unhappy. Yes No
9. I become irritable or anxious. Yes No
10. I think about dying or killing myself. Yes No


If you agreed with 5 or more of these statements and you have felt this way every day for several weeks, there is a good chance you are suffering from depression and should see a counselor, psychiatrist or other health care professional. If you agreed with statement 10, you should seek help immediately, regardless of your answer to any other questions.